A tip on handling busy groups
Here's a question I get a lot: "What if the people I'm training seem busy with a million other things they need to get done?" Well, embrace the 'busy.' Case in point:
Years ago, I facilitated a three-hour workshop for 20 rough-and-tumble men responsible for facilities maintenance across five New York Presbyterian hospitals in Manhattan. This wasn't just any day; it was one of those record-breaking winters in the northeast. Even before the morning began, conversations about floods and broken pipes needing to be fixed dominated the room.
This level of “busy” was daunting, and I hadn't even started the meeting. Give up and just do my best? Nah.
After my usual pre-show schmoozing and jokes, I had them on my side. I then addressed the elephant in the room: “Hey everyone, I know it’s a crazy day for you all with the weather wreaking havoc. Feel free to check on your teams as needed. We’ll make this interactive, no ‘death by PowerPoint.’ We’ll take a break halfway through, and if some of you need to step out and handle an emergency, I totally understand.”
The response was overwhelmingly positive. By acknowledging and respecting their situation, I gained their respect, leading to one of the most fun and memorable workshops I’ve ever done. And thankfully, no pipes broke in our training room. 😎
#PublicSpeaking #Workshop #Leadership #EffectiveCommunication #RespectAndRespond