“I suck at public speaking.”
-Name withheld
“I’m nervous.” “I’m not a good storyteller.” “I fell asleep during my own webinar.” (yep, someone told me that)
Can I let you in on something?
After 30+ years of stand-up comedy, corporate keynoting and training, I still have anxieties that sometimes sneak up on me. For example:
What if I forget part of my presentation?
What if that joke doesn’t work?
What if a mouse crawls up my pant leg and I start doing The Macarena?
The difference now is my anxiety is manageable, my stage presence better, and my audience engagement is through the roof. It can be the same for you.
When it comes to public speaking, I’ve heard it all.
Nervous, afraid, and sweating buckets.
Yep. That was me. Public speaking mastery was certainly not on my bucket list, so I decided to try stand-up comedy (brilliant move, right?).
I progressed from my first 3-minute (and very sweaty) set to eventually headlining at comedy clubs, winning competitions, and performing with Jay Leno, Bill Cosby and Martin Short. During this journey, I thought, “Why not combine my stand-up comedy skills into my ‘real job’ corporate presenting and training world?”
And Voila! Fewer nerves, less fear, and thankfully, no more buckets of sweat in ANY public speaking setting (you wouldn’t believe how much money I’ve saved on my laundry bill).
I quickly realized I was onto something: People far and wide crave to be more comfortable, confident, and yes, funny when delivering any kind of speech or presentation. And these people would love some help.
Unravel the knots in your stomach and kill it on any stage.
My name is Jeff Birk, and I have a system to help unravel the knots in your stomach when it comes to delivering a speech, sales pitch, or public speaking of any kind.
My system will teach you the methods and techniques of stand-up comedians who are killing it on stage and how to incorporate those skills into any speech or presentation making you funnier, more impactful, and leaving your audience wanting more. The techniques I teach have helped thousands vanquish their fears, calm their nerves, and crush it in front of any crowd.
Become the next-level speaker you’ve always wanted to be.
I’ve put my 30+ years of experience as a headlining comedian and Fortune 500 corporate trainer into this no-frills “here’s the way you do it” book. Presenters, trainers and public speakers at any level will learn techniques and skills stemming from my thousands of hours on comedy club stages, corporate event keynotes and trade show presentations. Topics include:
Humor techniques for a variety of public speaking needs and settings
How to capture your audience in your first couple minutes
Memorization strategies
Storytelling methods that move hearts as well as create laughter
How to handle bored, busy or booing audience members
Lists of jokes to use for a variety of industries, and much more